Yes, it's me - Sheree, Welcome to my website featuring Mothers Name Bracelet, Cancer Awareness Bracelets, Deployment Bracelets, Children's Jewelry,Patriotic Watch, Support Our Troops Bracelet





Products Overview
Amulet Bags
Cancer Bracelets
Children's Jewelry
Deployment Bracelets
Men's Bracelets
Mother Bracelet 1 Strand
Mother Bracelet 2 Strand
Mother Bracelet 3 Strand
Mother Bracelet 4 Strand
Special Orders
USA Patriotic Jewelry 1
USA Patriotic Jewelry 2
Customer Comments

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Beaded Handmade Jewelry

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Amulet Bags Necklaces

A few favorite designs using Delica beads and reading glasses.  You will be sure to turn heads when you wear an Amulet Bag Necklace.


Cancer Awareness Bracelets
Personalized to elegantly express yourself, raise awareness, encourage a friend or show support for someone you love.  Many have also worn them in honor of those who have passed. 


Click images to enlarge

Children's Jewelry & Bracelets

Necklaces and Bracelets made specifically for you to show how much your treasure your child.  You are sure to find a necklace or bracelet for your loved one here. All jewelry in this line is handcrafted using Sterling Silver, Swarovski Crystals and Freshwater Pearls.


   Deployment Bracelets®

Has the military deployed a loved one?  With their name on this beautiful patriotic Deployment Bracelet, you can keep them in your thoughts while showing your support!  A unique way to keep that special soldier in your thoughts.

Personalized to your specifications.

Deployment Bracelets

       Wear one with your loved one's name on it.

Deployment Bracelets® are available in adult, for both men and women and children styles.  The Child's Deployment Braceletmay help a child whose father (mother) has been deployed by making them feel connected to him (her).  You may also choose to have a bracelet with the child's brother, sister, aunt or uncle's name.



Masculine Bracelets



Created just for guys to show their support for a loved one who has been deployed or is battling cancer.




Mothers Bracelets

Create a stunning Mothers Bracelet using your children's names, their birth crystals and Sterling Silver charms. They are the perfect gift any time of the year.  


USA Patriotic Jewelry  USA Patriotic Page 2

Patriotic Jewelry - Bracelet floral pattern with swarovski crystals

Wear your country's color's with pride!  Featuring Sterling Silver, Swarovski Crystals or Czechoslovakian glass beads handcrafted for each

You may have visited this page because you misspelled the word you were searching for. I've included misspellings of these words to assist you with finding the product you're looking for.
Deployment -
deployment, dployment, deloyment, depoyment, deplyment, deploment, deployent, deploymnt, deploymet, deproymant, deproyment, deploymant, dep1oynemt, deploynemt, deploymemt, deploymetn, deploymnet, deployemnt, deplomyent, deplyoment, depolyment, delpoyment, dpeloyment, edployment, deploymen, eployment
Bracelets -
bracelets, breceret, bracelt, bracelet, breceert, braceet, braclet, braelet, brcelet, bacelet, blaceret, brecelet, breceelt, braceelt, bracleet, blacelet, blaceelt, blacleet, braceret, braceert, blaceert, blaceerts, braceelts, bracleets, blacelets, blaceelts, blacleets, bracerets, braceerts, bracelets, brecelets, breceelts, braceles, brecerets, brcelets, breceerts, bacelets, bracelts, braceets, braclets, braelets, blacerets, brace1ets, bracelest, braceltes, braeclets, brcaelets, barcelets, rbacelets, racelets
Military -
military, miriturie, militry, militay, militarie, militery, militalie, miritery, miritarie, militury, miritalie, miritury, militerie, mlitary, miriterie, miitary, militurie, miltary, miritary, miritaly, militaly, miitar, miltar, miliar, militr, militar, mlitar, milital, miritar, mirital, milairie, milery, miliary, miriurie, milialie, miliury, milurie, miriarie, miriury, mirairie, milury, mirialie, mliary, milarie, miiary, milierie, miliry, milary, mirierie, miliay, miliery, milerie, miliarie, miriery, miliurie, milaily, milyrey, miraily, miryrey, milailie, milyreie, miryreie, mileary, milealy, mireary, mirealy, milearie, milealie, mirearie, milairy, milialy, miriary, mirairy, mirialy, n111tary, n1l1tary, nilitary, militayr, militray, miliatry, miltiary, miiltary, mliitary, imlitary, ilitary
Charms -
charm, chalm, chals, chalms, halms, chars, charms, harms, charns, charsm, chamrs, chrams, cahrms, hcarms, chams, chrms, carms
Mommy -
mommy, mommie, momie, momy, nomy, momym, mmomy, ommmy
Mother -
mother, other, motehr, muther, mothel, muthel, motehl, mutehr, mutehl, otehl, otehr, othel, nother, notehl, nothel, notehr, moher, mohel, nothre, mothre, mohter, mtoher, omther, mothe, mothr, moter, mther
Mother's -
othels, moters, oher's, mothrs, oter's, mothes, othr's, othe's, other's, otehr's, others, otehrs, mthers, othel's, mohers, moter's, mothers, mothr's, motehrs, mothe's, muthers, mothel's, muthel's, mothels, muthels, mother's, mther's, motehr's, moher's, muther's, otehl's, otehls, motehl's, mutehls, motehls, mutehr's, mutehrs, mutehl's, nother's, mothers', mothe'rs, mothre's, mohter's, mtoher's, omther's, mother'
Mothers -
mother, mothel, muthel, motehr, muther, motehl, mutehr, mutehl, muthels, motehrs, muthers, mothels, otehrs, othels, mothers, others, mthers, mohers, moters, mothrs, mothes, motehls, mutehrs, mutehls, otehls, nothers, mothesr, mothres, mohters, mtohers, omthers
Cancer -
cancer, cansel, censel, cacer, cencer, canser, censer, cancel, cencel, caner, canel, cainr, cainl, ceiner, ceinel, cense, canc, cenc, cance, cence, canse, cancre, camcer, canecr, cacner, cnacer, acncer, cancr, cncer, ancer
Jewelry -
jewelry, jewely, jewelrie, jewlerie, jewhelrie, jewerrie, jewherrie, jwelry, jeelry, jewlry, jewery, jewlery, jewhelry, jewerry, jewherry, joolrie, juelry, juelrie, joolry, jewe1ry, jewelyr, jewerly, jeewlry, jweelry, ejwelry, jewelr, ewelry
Beaded -
beaded, biaded, baded, beded, beeded, beadde, beaedd, bedaed, baeded, ebaded, beade, beadd, beaed, eaded
Name -
name, mame, naem, nmae, anme


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 Jewelry-4-You is the place for Exquisite Jewelry, Exceptional Value and Quality with a spark of creativity!

Jewelry-4-You lets me share my love of Swarovski Crystal Necklaces, Lampwork Bead Bracelets and coordinating Earrings.



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